Straining at a Gnat: Thoughts on Christians and Politics
If I was to choose a verse for my life it would be Matthew 7:24. My aim is to build every facet of my life around Jesus Christ. This includes my views on government, politics, and voting. I have observed countless Christians from all points of the political divide endorse Trump, endorse Clinton, endorse Johnson, endorse writing in a name, and endorse not voting at all. Almost all of these would claim the authority of Scripture and claim to oppose…
When Racism Hits Close to Home
Most Sunday nights I sit down with my wife and watch funny videos to unwind from a hectic day of preaching, counseling, and fellowshipping. Tonight is different. I do not know how to describe the way I feel. I guess it is a mix of anger, bewilderment, frustration, and disbelief. Before the evening service I took time to talk with a police officer in our church and his young family. He was off duty today, but he told me of…
Black Lives Matter, the Dallas Shooting, Hillary Clinton, and Justice
“Ye have not kept my ways, but have been partial in the law.” – Malachi 2:9 I have been exceptionally grieved this past week as dozens of concerns and thoughts that I have had for years have come to a head. Like many Americans I am troubled by the senseless violence, racism, murder, and systematic corruption that has become the legal system in America. I used to refer to the “legal system” as the “justice system,” but I can no…
Rapists, Judges, and Hirelings
I just wanted to share a short thought that I have been meditating on for the last few months. But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.Revelation 21:8 I know we are accustomed to resigning murders, rapists, and hosts of other evil people to hell. However, the Bible is clear that…
Why are you upset about transgenders using public school restrooms?
In light of the recent government mandate concerning transgender bathroom use at public schools, I have one question. Why do you still send your kids to public schools? I could add to that, what will it take for you to withdraw them? With all that has happened over the last few decades, I can complain a lot about public schools. There is the faltering quality of education. (We are barely in the top 15 nations in the world as it relates to education.…
How Should A Christian Vote?
Note to readers: This blog is mainly for my congregation. If you have consistently been at my church, you would know that I believe that the change that is needed in our nation is only going to be accomplished through repentance, faith, prayer, and the spread of the Gospel. I have hesitated to even post these things for fear that people will view me as a “political” pastor. Nothing can be farther from the truth. I preach the Gospel of…