Applied Theology (Page 11)

Applied Theology (Page 11)

Who do we marry? How should we vote? How do I educate my children? Throughout our lives we are faced with many difficult decisions. How does the Word of God apply to each of these things? Is Theology something that only belongs in Seminaries, or does it have a real life application for how God wants us to live? Theology is great, but it must be applied for us to bear the fruit God has ordained for our lives. In this study we will take theology and apply it to real life situations to see how God’s Word is sufficient for all of life.

The Gospel – Man’s Depravity

The central teaching of Christianity is the Gospel. This theological statement has tremendous bearing on everything else we do. Is man basically good or basically evil? How you answer that question will influence your view of raising children, authority, government, etc. Is God’s favor given by grace or merit? How you answer that question will affect your marriage, when someone cuts you off in traffic, etc. Before we can look at anything, we must look at the Gospel. What then?…

Why We Do What We Do

Most people live a life of reaction and feeling. We do what we do based upon how we feel in the moment. We react to a situation, information, or emotion. We rarely sit down and think through why we vote Republican, why we lose our temper, why we go to Sunday School, etc. We just act without thought. The Bible gives us tremendous insights into human behavior and what it stems from. As we begin our study, we must first…