Sermons from November 2022

Sermons from November 2022

“Living for God’s Glory” – Psalm 30:1-12

There are two prevailing theories behind the background of Psalm 30. One is that it is a song when David dedicated his palace. The other is that this was written when David purchased the threshing floor of Auruna for the site for the temple. This is based on the Hebrew word for house also being the word for temple. Either way, the content should be read as David’s reflection on how God has brought him through turmoil to a place…

“Worthless Christianity” – Luke 14:34-35

Jesus has just finished telling the crowds of the cost of discipleship: you must love Him above everything or you cannot be His disciple. This is costly, but we must be willing to pay the price and follow Him to the end. If we only follow Him halfway, we will be mocked by men. Jesus closes His teachings by talking about salt. Salt described Salt has two uses: enhancing flavor and preserving food. Salt makes food taste better and helps…