The Primacy & Importance of Worship
God alone is worthy of worship and delights in His own glory, and so creates, seeks, saves, and commands His people to worship Him. Though believers’ entire lives are to be characterized by spiritual service of worship, God is present and blesses His people in a special way in corporate worship. Our greatest duty and delight is in worshiping the triune God in the beauty of holiness (1 Chron. 16:29; Ps. 29:2; 96:9).
Reformed Worship as Word Centered
Since worship is of utmost importance, it must be protected by ordained ministers entrusted to guard the Gospel, lead worship, and train those under their care to offer acceptable worship, in spirit and truth. We adhere to the principle of Sola Scriptura (by Scripture Alone). God commands to be worshiped according to His revealed will alone, not according to personal preferences and cultural fads. The very content of God’s Word also should hold a prominent place within virtually every liturgical element. The pulpit is raised and at the center of the chancel in order to communicate the centrality and importance of the Word of God.
Ordinary Means of Grace
God sovereignly establishes and increases faith through His ordained means, often called ordinary means of grace, which are vital for believers’ spiritual nourishment and growth. God’s people are therefore commanded to participate regularly in Lord’s Day corporate worship, in dependence upon God’s Spirit Who applies Christ’s benefits through His Word and sacraments. We therefore practice systematic expository preaching of God’s Word, recognize spoken and sung prayer as the chief means of gratitude and praise to God, and administer the sacraments of Baptism and the Lord’s Supper. We celebrate the Lord’s Supper on the 1st Sunday Morning and 3rd Sunday Evening of each month. As such, we are a church governed by the ordinary means of grace. Although various ministries and fellowship opportunities certainly exist within our church community, we are not a program-driven church but an ordinary-means-of-grace-driven church.