We believe that Jesus Christ is the Head of the Church, and that no individual man should seek to mold the church in his own image. In light of this, our church is led by Elders (qualified, mature men) who seek to discern the Lord’s will for our church. The Elders oversee the worship services, ministries, and direction of the church keeping a special watch out for each member’s soul. Because every believer is indwelt by the Spirit of Jesus, the Elders make recommendations to the members of the church in order that they might pray and study Scripture for each decision the church makes. Our deacons oversee the physical needs of the church giving special consideration to the widows.
Daniel Kendall
Daniel was born in Springfield, MO, in 1984. He is one of seven children, and his father was a pastor. At an early age he came to know the Lord, and he was discipled by his parents at home. In his late teens the Lord really began to move in his life and open his eyes to many truths of Scripture. While at the Baptist College of Florida Daniel met his wife, Lydia. He graduated in 2006 with a B.A.…
Gabe Mitchell
Gabe Mitchell was born in 1976 in Union City, Pennsylvania. He professed faith in Christ at a young age, while living in Africa, where his parents were serving as missionaries. He served 4 years in the Marine Corps before attending school at Santa Fe Community College, and then earning a Bachelor’s Degree from Florida State University. He re-dedicated his life to God in 2010 and married Samantha the following year. Gabe and Samantha have 2 children, a boy and a…
Wesley Carter
Wesley Carter was raised in High Springs, FL. He nows live in Gainesville, FL and is married to his high school sweetheart, Jenny Waters Carter. His children are Law Carter, wife Hannah (son Cal), Jaye Carter, Reid Carter, Laila Carter, & Karissa Carter. Wesley graduated from Santa Fe High School in the class of 1990. He has a Bachelor’s of Science in Finance from Jacksonville State University where he graduated in 1994. Currently, he works at Loncala, Inc where he…
Jacob Lee
Jake has served as a deacon at Antioch Baptist Church for over a year. He is married to his high school sweetheart, Meghan Lee, and has three children – Huck, Parker, and Jedidiah. He loves Jesus Christ his Savior and enjoys reading his bible, hunting, and public speaking.
Will Harris
William Harris was born and raised in Maxville, Florida. He is one of eight children. Will came to know Christ as a teenager. He married Grace in 2021, and they have a son named Caleb. He runs a small logging company with his dad. When he’s not working in the woods, you can find him working on logging equipment and spending time with family. He is committed to standing for the truth and encouraging fellow believers in their walk with…
Anthony Harel-Canada
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Cathie Thomas
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