Christians Don’t Want Mansions (John 14:1-6)

Christians Don’t Want Mansions (John 14:1-6)

The disciples are upset because Jesus has told them that He is leaving them and they cannot come where He is going.

Faith in Jesus overcomes our troubles

Jesus tells the disciples to not be troubled about what all is going to transpire. This is easier said than done, so Jesus gives them the cure to a troubled heart, faith in Him. If we trust Jesus, He will give us a peace that goes beyond the human ability to reason.

The Jewish wedding ceremony

A Jewish young man would be betrothed by his father to a young woman. He would then return to his father’s house to build a small home attached to his father’s house. This house was called a “mone,” which is translated here as “mansion.” As his sons got married the father’s house would grow to have many of these homes attached to it. The couple would not be married and would remain separated until the “mone” was finished. She would not know when he was coming, but when the house was finished the groom would come to get his bride. He would then take her back to his father’s house for the marriage. From then on she would live with her husband in his father’s house. Many bride’s would not know where their husband’s father lived. They would simply follow their husband home.

What the disciples understood

Jesus was not talking about giving each disciple a huge 10,000 square foot home with gold trim. Jesus was explaining to the disciples that He was leaving to prepare a “mone” for them. They would have understood that the emphasis was not on the size or style of the home; the emphasis was that when Jesus returned they would be together forever in the Father’s house. True Christians are not looking for large homes, gold, silver, health, etc. True Christians long for the presence of God.

How to get to the Father’s house

The disciples want to be with Jesus; they are not looking for health, wealth, and prosperity. They want to dwell in the presence of God. They do not understand how to get there. Jesus explains that just as a Jewish bride would have to follow her husband to his father’s house, so He was the way to the Father. He will guide them into truth and give them eternal life. There is no other way to the Father except Jesus Christ.


Do you long for God or do you just want prosperity in this life and the life to come? Is Jesus your hope and confidence or is a big house in the afterlife your hope and confidence? Will you trust Jesus and follow His truth into eternal life with the Father?

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