Last week we saw that every member of the church is to be a minister, and we all are to be laboring to fulfill the Great Commission and make disciples. What does that look like?
The Discipleship Cycle
In Scripture there are various stages of spiritual development. Many of them overlap, but the process of spiritual growth generally looks like this:
Ignorance – Understanding the Gospel – Salvation – Baptism – Membership – Service – Character – Theology – Competence – Maturity (Making Disciple-Making Disciples)
True Maturity
Many churches have different markers to judge their success. Common markers are conversions, baptisms, membership, and attendance. However, our goal is for every believer to be a mature believer. Again, many churches have different understandings of what maturity looks like. For some it is outward conformity to man-made rules; for others it is adherence to certain doctrinal views. In Scripture though, maturity is defined as able to reproduce. Maturity is making disciple-making disciples. That is our goal.
In Christian growth and discipleship you can only be one stage apart from others, ignorant. Christian discipleship requires people discipling us. It also requires us to disciple others. The rogue Christian is in error. Spiritual growth requires others.
The example of Jesus
Jesus devoted Himself to making mature disciples who could do the work of the ministry. His example is what we need to be following. We all need to have two people in our lives: one who is discipling us and one who we are discipling. We must shift our mindset as a church to growing into maturity and becoming able to make disciple-making disciples.
Where are you in your spiritual growth?
What areas do you need discipleship in?
Are you able to make disciples?