As we seek to have victory over habitual sins, the questions becomes, “How do I break the hold this sin has on me?”
Seek help
We often deceive ourselves into thinking that we actually want salvation or victory over sin. Most often we want our reputation restored, the feelings of guilt to go away, escape from consequences, etc. This is clearly seen in that we will not even so much as ask others to pray for us. We will not confess our sins to brothers and sisters and ask them to help us find the deliverance that Christ gives.
Watch out for isolation
The devil cuts us off from other believers in the hopes of keeping us enslaved. We allow our feelings of guilt and shame to isolate us from other believers. We begin to hide our sin and withdraw from others. The devil uses this isolation to destroy us.
Bring your sin into the light
When we seek out others to help us find deliverance a strange thing happens; sin loses its power. Like mildew, sin dies in the light. If we genuinely desire freedom we must humble ourselves, and confess our sins to each other. We must find accountability and help for the sin that so easily trips us up. We must be constantly seeking others to help us. It is in this humility and desperation that God’s grace is poured out delivering us from our sin. Jesus comes and delivers the one who truly is desperate for His grace.
Are you willing to seek out a brother or sister to help you overcome your sin? Will you bring your sin into the light?