Paul knows that God is a good Father Who gives good gifts to His children. Because of this He asks the Father to give the Ephesians wisdom. He wants them to understand the world around them and how God has ordered it. He wants them to know how to conduct themselves in this world and make wise decisions in light of what God has revealed.
Revelation of Jesus
He then prays that God might reveal to them knowledge of Jesus Christ. The only true way to know how to live in this world is to know Christ. He alone is the source of all wisdom (Colossians 2:3.) The whole of the Christian life is knowing Jesus Christ. We must earnestly beg the Father to reveal Him to us. What the Ephesians need in all of their trials is to know how Jesus handled the exact same situations. This is the entire aim of Paul’s life, to know Christ (Philippians 3:10.)
Open and understanding eyes
Paul is aware that it is possible to be seeing yet not see. It is possible to see yet not understand (Isaiah 6:9-10.) His prayer is that God would open their eyes so that they would not only see, but understand as well. We need to be reminded that the things of God are only revealed by His Spirit and flesh and blood cannot receive them (1 Corinthians 2:10-16.)
Hope of His Calling
Paul desires for us to understand all that God has called us to. It is here that we will find hope and certainty for the future. So often the call of God can appear to be terrifying or gloomy, yet Paul wants us to see all that hope and promise that is found in the call of God. His hope in prison is that he has been called by God (Romans 1:1.) It is the call of God on our lives that sustains us through difficult times.
Glorious inheritance
As Paul sits in prison rejected by his own people, he knows what he has in Christ. The riches and glorious inheritance he has are worth it. They are not to be compared with his current suffering(Romans 8:18.) He wants us to have the same knowledge. Knowing these things will get us through suffering and enable us not just to survive but thrive in the midst of our trials.
Do you pray for these things? Are you seeking to know Jesus Christ?