As we saw last week, Paul is now addressing racial reconciliation, specifically between Jews and Gentiles. He has told us that Jesus is our peace, and that Jesus has broken down the wall between us so that now anyone has access to God through Jesus and your race or ethnicity does not matter. God judges us on the basis of Christ, not race.
One body reconciled to God
God had a two-fold purpose in the death of Christ. He reconciled us to Himself, and He reconciled us to one another. This fulfills the two great commandments, loving God and loving neighbor. The broken body of Christ reconciled us to each other, and His shed blood reconciled us to God. We are now one new man as opposed to Jew and Gentile. There is now only one body, the body of Christ. The broken body of Christ has put to death the enmity between ethnic groups.
Peace through Jesus
It doesn’t matter how close you were to God, you were still separated from Him. If you missed the mark by an inch or a mile, you still missed. A Jew in the courtyard of the temple was just as lost as a Gentile in the temple of Diana. The point Paul is making is that through Jesus both those who are far off and those who are close are made at peace with God. It doesn’t matter if one ethnic group is “better” than another, they both miss the mark.
Access to God is through Jesus
No one comes to the Father except through Jesus (John 14:6.) This includes Jews, Gentiles, males, females, whites, blacks, Asians, etc. It is only through Jesus that we have access to God. The worst person from the worst culture who comes to God through Jesus is infinitely better off than the “best” person who comes from the “best” ethnic group.
Fellow citizens and part of the family
Because of this, whoever comes to God through Jesus is part of our family as Christians. Their skin color or ethnicity does not matter. All believers are on equal standing before God. We are all fellow citizens; no one stands in a higher caste or rank.
Do you believe that God has reconciled you to others through Jesus’ death? Will you repent of your prejudice and judgment of others? Will you treat all of your brothers and sisters the same regardless of skin color?
- Audio (MP3) 37 MB