Main thoughts:
The psalmist has already told us how to praise God. He has already given us two reasons to praise God, and he concludes the psalm by giving us two more reasons to praise God.
God’s love for the righteous 12-19
Blessed happiness (12) – This is a verse that we are all familiar with, yet we are familiar with it out of its context. This verse is not speaking of countries or governments that acknowledge God in their founding documents, on their currency, or in any other way. This verse is about the happy state of the people of God out of every tribe, language, and nation who together form the true Israel of God. This has been brought about by God’s sovereign choice and grace.
God’s knowledge of all things (13-15) – God watches intently over His creation. The Hebrew uses three words for looking that show a progressively narrow focus by God. He “scans,” then He “sees,” and then He “looks narrowly.” The author is showing us that nothing escapes the gaze of God. As our Creator He is intimately aware of everything that we do including the secret workings of our inmost being.
God alone delivers (16-19) – The author now contrasts common things that human beings trust in with the power of God. Large armies, physical strength, and war horses may intimidate man, but they are no guarantee of victory. The English word “vain” in verse 17 is the word “untruth” or “lie” in Hebrew. In other words, you trust these things, but they are lying to you. Only God actually delivers. He delivers those who fear Him and trust in His mercy. He truly is our only hope.
Our response to God’s goodness (20-22)
Waiting on God (20) – Part of trusting God is waiting on Him. It is interesting to note here that the many people of God wait as one on God. He is our help and shield.
Rejoicing in God (21) – We rejoice while we wait on God. We can be assured that our trust is not misplaced. We also will rejoice in the future because God will not fail those who trust in Him.
Hope in God (22) – We have a tremendous hope for the future because of Jesus Christ. Knowing that He has poured out His mercy upon us means that we have nothing but hope for the future.
Are you part of the people of God?
God knows all about you, will you confess your sin to Him?
What are you trusting in?
Are you of one heart with the people of God?
Will you praise God for His goodness?