“The Character of God” – Psalm 36:5-12

“The Character of God” – Psalm 36:5-12

Main thoughts:
After looking at the wicked, David now fixes his eyes upon God. He speaks of His character and closes with a prayer for deliverance.
Meditations on God’s Character
David turns his eyes off the wicked and onto the character of God.

  • God’s mercy is as incomprehensible as the universe
  • God’s faithfulness stretches completely out of sight
  • God’s righteousness is massive and unchanging
  • God’s justice is deeper than our comprehension
  • God preserves all of His creation

God’s character produces our faith
As David meditates on the character of God, he concludes that this is why people trust Him. If our faith is failing we must meditate on God’s character. As we meditate on God as revealed in His Word, this creates faith in Him.
God satisfies those who trust Him
Out of the character of God pours all that we need to be truly satisfied. This is what Jesus taught the woman at the well in John 4. In God is found all the pleasure and delight that we could ever desire. This pleasure is found in meditating on the character of God. He is the One Who is the source of all life, and it is in His revelation of Himself that we are able to see clearly the world around us.
A Prayer for God’s grace to continue
David closes this psalm with a prayer for God’s mercy and grace to continue to His people. He wants God’s righteousness to be seen in the lives of all God’s people. He wants God to protect Him from the totality of the attacks of arrogant and wicked men. He wants to see them cast down by God never to rise again.
Would you focus your attention on the character of God?
Will you come to God through Jesus Christ?


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