The Heart of Christian Community (John 17:20-24)

The Heart of Christian Community (John 17:20-24)

The second characteristic of the Christian church that we see in Acts 2 is community or fellowship. Almost instantly the people of God united together as one in hospitality and service. What brought about this change? A heart changed by the power of the Gospel. Fellowship cannot truly take place until the heart is changed. In John 17, we see Jesus praying and describing what His followers would be.

The Church is One

Jesus Christ only has one bride. The Church is not divided; the Church has been infiltrated by goats and wolves. True Christians are not divided. They are united by the Spirit of God in answer to Jesus’ prayer.

Our unity is based on the Trinity

Just as God exists as One Being in three Persons, so the church is one body comprised of many different people. As each member of the Godhead works together in perfect harmony, so each member of the Church works in unity with the rest of the body.

This unity is brought about by the indwelling Spirit of Christ

How can the Spirit of God in me reject the Spirit of God in you? It cannot. True believers in Jesus Christ cannot live at odds with each other. We cannot love God and hate our brother. Enemies on earth will not be friends in heaven. They simply won’t be in heaven. The heart of unity is the broken body of Christ uniting us as one.

The loving unity of the Christian community is our greatest witness

People will be saved as they behold the diverse Christian community living in harmony and love. People are longing for a sense of love and belonging. They will find their fulfillment in the new life Christ gives to His people.


Does the Spirit of Christ indwell you? Do you long to be with the people of God? Are people seeing the unity of Christ’s body in our church?


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