Main thoughts:
David concludes his song by telling how God protects His own.
Divine protection for those who fear God (15-17)
God is watching over His children and listening to their every prayer. In the same way, God is watching those who do evil and will judge them. God listens to the prayers of His people and delivers them out of their troubles.
True righteousness defined (18)
In all of this discussion about fearing God and righteousness, we can begin to believe that the strongest and most obedient person is the one who is truly righteous before God. However, the Scripture is clear that the one who is the most broken and contrite over their sin is the one who is the child of God. We can quickly lose sight of this truth and despise the brokenness that God seeks to bring into our own lives.
God delivers the righteous (19-22)
God delivers the righteous from not just their troubles but their own sins. The word translated as “afflictions” is also the word for “evil” used in verse 16. God delivers His own. He protects our soul through the trials of this life. Like the physical body of Christ was broken yet not a bone broken, so we will have a broken heart over our sin yet our soul be preserved by God’s grace.
Sin is a destructive force that destroys those who engage in it. Not only will sin destroy the evil, but God will also condemn those oppose His own. He protects those who run to Him in faith; they will not perish or be condemned.
It is easy to read these promises as being for all men. In our pride we can view ourselves as righteous. However, the righteous one that God protects is the one who is broken and crushed in repentance.
Are you self-righteous? Then you are farther away from God than you could possibly know.
Are you broken over your sin? Then you are closer to God than you realize.
Will you cry out for the Spirit of God to bring brokenness into your life?
Will you bring you sin and brokenness to Jesus?