God’s Glory in Saving His People (John 17:6-10)

God’s Glory in Saving His People (John 17:6-10)

Three evidences of true conversion

Jesus speaks of how the disciples were given to Him of the Father. He gives three indications of how He knows they are saved:

  1. They have come out of the world
  2. They have received the Word of God
  3. They believe that He has been sent from the Father

We can know that we are part of the people of God and have a full assurance of our salvation. Jesus here lays the foundation of that assurance.

God’s special love for His people

God does indeed love all of His creation. He even loves those in hell. However, He has a special love for His children that surpasses His love for the rest of creation. Jesus does not pray for the rest of the world; He only prays for His people. Our angels always behold the Father’s face. We are the apple of His eye. Our names of graven on His hands. This special love for us should cause us to come boldly into His presence and confess our sins. Nothing can separate us from His love!

God’s glory in salvation

God’s glory is seen in all of creation. His power, justice, and patience are seen in sending men to hell. However, nothing exalts the glory of God like the salvation of His people. In our salvation we see God’s love, mercy, patience, justice, self-sacrifice, condescension, grace, etc. There is literally not an attribute of God that is not exalted by our salvation.


Do you know that you are born again? Because the Father loves you, will you turn back to Him? Will you glorify God by proclaiming what He has done in the person of His Son Jesus?


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