As we draw our study of sin and temptation to a close, how does it all fit together?
Our sin has ruined us
Like the prodigal son, we have followed our heart’s leading, and it has ruined us. Our relationship with God, our marriage, our health, our finances, our family relationships, etc. are riddled with brokenness, guilt, shame, and devastation. All of this has been brought about by our sin. Like the prodigal we are in rags starving to death spiritually.
We must come to our senses
We must realize the destruction our sin has caused. It is not just a bad habit! Sin has ruined us. However, the people who walk with the Lord enjoy so much more than we do! They have joy and love in abundance. They are satisfied and happy in God. We must leave our sin behind and return to the Lord.
We must get back home at all costs
This is where everything we have looked at finally comes together. We must not be concerned about our reputation; we must return to the Father. We cannot continue to starve; we must return to the Father and let Him feed us. We must freely confess our sin to the Father and tell Him what we have done; we can hide it no longer. We cannot let anything get in our way; we must make it back to the Father.
The Father will only shower us with Grace
When we turn to the Father we will only experience grace. He does not make us work our sin off. He does not make us work our way back into His favor. He does not put us in time out. He will welcome us with open arms, forgive us, and feed our starving souls.
Will you come to the Father?