"grace" Tagged Sermons

A Changed Heart (John 14:15)
How does the Law of God relate to the Grace of God? Man believes that he loves God One constant among human beings is that we all believe we love God and are right with God. If you look around our culture here in the South virtually everyone “believes in God,” “loves God,” and is “going to heaven when they die.” However, when confronted with the Law of God, men usually turn to one of two things, legalism or license.…

Grace (Luke 15:1-2, 11-32)
As we draw our study of sin and temptation to a close, how does it all fit together? Our sin has ruined us Like the prodigal son, we have followed our heart’s leading, and it has ruined us. Our relationship with God, our marriage, our health, our finances, our family relationships, etc. are riddled with brokenness, guilt, shame, and devastation. All of this has been brought about by our sin. Like the prodigal we are in rags starving to death…

Spiritual Blindness (John 9:39-41)
The man who was given sight by Jesus has just been kicked out of the Synagogue by the Pharisees because he will not declare Jesus to be a sinful man. The Pharisees are certain that God would never approve of healing a man on the Sabbath day. They refuse to listen to the man’s reasoning because they know that they are right. Jesus now meets the man, and the man believes in Christ and worships Him. The Pharisees watch their…

The Gospel – Grace
If men are sinners and laws cannot change us, where is the hope for mankind? But now the righteousness of God without the law is manifested, being witnessed by the law and the prophets; Even the righteousness of God which is by faith of Jesus Christ unto all and upon all them that believe: for there is no difference: For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God; Being justified freely by his grace through the redemption…

Perfect Justice, Perfect Grace (John 8:1-11)
In this passage of Scripture, the Pharisees bring a woman caught in adultery to Jesus. They have no interest in justice, grace, or truth. Their intentions are solely to catch Jesus. Will Jesus stone the woman? Will Jesus reject the law of God and let her go? Jesus effectively ignores them by writing in the sand. It is as if He is giving them time to retreat and withdraw their question. When they keep pressing Him, Jesus gives His answer.…

A Savior from Self
Jesus has just finished feeding the five thousand. Jesus is not the Savior they are looking for After seeing the miracles the people believe that Jesus is the Messiah, which He is. The Messiah has come to overthrow their oppressors, heal them, set them free, and give them a new life. They take this to mean that Jesus will overthrow the Romans, take away physical diseases, make them the new earthly rulers, and change their circumstances. Jesus did not come…

Man’s Inability & Christ’s Ability (John 1:5)
All men are without excuse The Light of Jesus Christ has shown through nature and men’s consciences since the beginning; however, all men have rejected the Light they have received. There is no one who goes to heck without receiving a measure of Light. They go to heck, not because of their ignorance of the Light, but because of their rejection of the Light. Therefore, all men are without excuse at the judgment (Romans 1:18-20). Men are unable to apprehend…