Sermons on Purpose
What Is Marriage? (Ephesians 5:31-32)
Societal collapse Virtually every problem in our society can be traced back to the breakdown of marriage. Poverty, violence, incarceration, education, grades, depression, suicide, risky sexual behaviors, etc. are all directly tied to the breakdown of marriage. We all know this to be true. However, how can you fix something that you cannot even define? Confusion Over the last decade our society has debated marriage, traditional vs. marriage equality. The arguments made before the Supreme Court made one thing clear,…
No Longer a Fisherman (John 21:1-14)
The disciples have still not figured out what to do with the fact that Jesus has risen again from the dead. Return to fishing When Jesus first called the disciples, they left their family business of fishing. They literally left everything behind to follow Jesus. Now that Jesus has risen again, they go back to fishing. It is as if the magnitude and implications of the resurrection have not affected them at all. A familiar miracle The disciples have seen…
Power for Fruitfulness (John 15:1-8)
As the disciples are on the way to the Garden, Jesus talks about vines and fruit. Christ is our life We are branches whose only life comes from the vine. Separated from Christ, we are unable to do anything. It is only the life of Christ within us that enables us to bear fruit and conform to His image. As we stay attached to the vine we will produce more and more fruit. The Father prunes us As we grow…
How to be Happy (John 13:1-17)
Judas has already made arrangements to betray Jesus. Jesus knows that tonight He will be betrayed by Judas, abandoned by the rest of the disciples, and denied by Peter. He knows that He will be illegally tried, brutally beaten, and tortured to death on the cross while bearing our sins. This would make most of us depressed, cynical, bitter, angry, and detached. However, this is not how Jesus responds. Jesus loves the disciples John reminds us that Jesus is doing…
Why We Do What We Do
Most people live a life of reaction and feeling. We do what we do based upon how we feel in the moment. We react to a situation, information, or emotion. We rarely sit down and think through why we vote Republican, why we lose our temper, why we go to Sunday School, etc. We just act without thought. The Bible gives us tremendous insights into human behavior and what it stems from. As we begin our study, we must first…
Satisfied by Jesus (John 4:1-32)
Jesus here meets the Samaritan woman at the well. She comes at a time when no other women are there, indicating that she was probably an outcast of her society. Jesus speaks to those society rejects This woman has been apparently rejected by the women in her society, presumably because of her going from man to man. Also, Jews did not speak to Samaritans. However, Jesus is the Friend of Sinners, so He begins a conversation with her. Jesus speaks…
Living for God’s Glory Alone (Part 2) (John 7:14-18)
Jesus begins to teach in the temple. The people are amazed at His teaching and wonder how He is able to teach this way because He has never set under another teacher. Jesus’ answer gives us a great glimpse into the Christian life and the nature of Jesus Christ. Jesus doctrine is not His but God’s Every person is living for someone, and this includes all religious teachers and preachers from every religion. All men teach what benefits them in…
Living For God’s Glory Alone (Part 1) (John 7:1-13)
Because of Jesus’ blunt teachings, many Jews now hate Jesus and want Him dead. Jesus continues His ministry, and He continues to do so without drawing attention to Himself. His family does not understand this and encourages Him to take a more public approach to His ministry. They do not do this because they support Him; instead, they are doing this because they do not believe that He is doing all of these miracles they are hearing about. Jesus has…
Ecclesiastes means “the preacher,” and is about Solomon trying to find meaning in life. It is a great book that points to the whole reason for the Bible. Solomon seeks to answer, “What is the point of life?” The words of the Preacher, the son of David, king in Jerusalem. Vanity of vanities, saith the Preacher, vanity of vanities; all is vanity. What profit hath a man of all his labour which he taketh under the sun? One generation passeth…
Finish His Work (John 4:31-38)
Jesus has just had His encounter with the Samaritan woman by the well. His disciples now return with food for Him to eat. Jesus says that He is not hungry, and what follows is Jesus’ teaching on faithfulness to the task God has given you. Jesus is satisfied by finishing God’s task for Him Just as the woman at the well was satisfied by Jesus, so Jesus is satisfied with doing the Father’s Will. He is no longer hungry because…
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