The disciples have still not figured out what to do with the fact that Jesus has risen again from the dead.
Return to fishing
When Jesus first called the disciples, they left their family business of fishing. They literally left everything behind to follow Jesus. Now that Jesus has risen again, they go back to fishing. It is as if the magnitude and implications of the resurrection have not affected them at all.
A familiar miracle
The disciples have seen this miracle before. In Luke 5, we read that they had been fishing all night and caught nothing. Jesus performed a miracle and in just a moment they had more fish than they could hold. When this happens again, John realizes that it is Jesus on the seashore.
Jesus’ provision
Jesus is demonstrating once again that they should not be concerned with earthly needs. If they seek first the Kingdom He will supply everything they need. They can fish all night long, but they will only catch fish when He decrees it. It is God Who provides for us, not our industry. In addition to that, the disciples did not even need the fish because Jesus had already prepared food for them.
A new calling
Jesus is here reminding the disciples that they are no longer fisherman. Because of His death and resurrection they have a new calling, fishing for men. As believers in Christ we are no longer homemakers, loggers, accountants, lawyers, busboys, etc. God has sent us into our current situation with a new calling in mind, making disciples of Jesus. My calling is no longer to make money and provide for my needs; Jesus will provide my needs. The reason I go to work is to glorify God and make disciples.
A great reminder
This is the second time the disciples had gone back to fishing. As believers, we need constant reminders of God’s provision for us and our calling to go and make disciples.
Do you believe in the resurrection of Jesus? How do you need to adjust your life to better fulfill your calling to fish for men? Who do you need to tell about Jesus’ death and resurrection?