Sermons on Judgement
Do Not Look Forward to Judgment (Amos 5:16-20)
God has just offered His grace to anyone who will repent. He will forgive anyone who will turn to Him, and they will escape His coming judgment. No one will escape The people are not listening to Amos and are not turning to God. They have rejected God’s way of salvation. In light of this God’s judgment is going to come. No one will escape. It does not matter where you live; if you reject God’s offer of salvation there…
There is an Escape from Judgment (Amos 5:4-12)
Seek the Lord and live Although God’s judgment is coming, there is still a way of escape. Although Amos is speaking of physical life this is also the way to escape eternal judgment in hell as well. God does not give them instructions as to some religious deed. He instead points them to Himself. If they will seek Him He will spare them from His coming judgment. Religious deeds will not help Once again, God speaks out against their religious…
Grieving Over Sin and Judgment (Amos 5:1-3)
A funeral dirge Amos now begins to sing a funeral dirge for the nation of Israel. Although not common in our culture, it was very common in his day to sing a song of grief at the funeral of a loved one. Amos is grieved because of what he knows is going to happen to Israel because of their sins. Grieving for the death of a young child Amos’ song begins with telling us how great his grief is. Amos…
Religious Deeds Bring Judgment (Amos 4:4-5)
Strict religious observance In spite of all their sins, the people of Israel were very devout in their religious observances. They were faithful to attend religious services and offer daily sacrifices. They were so faithful in their tithing and offerings that they even followed the once every three years tithe God commanded in Deuteronomy 14:28. They were constantly offering sacrifices of all kinds. They were very, very devout in their religious devotions. God calls their religious observances sin Instead of…
God’s Judgment is Devastating (Amos 3:9-15)
God’s judgment is public The sins of Israel are public. The surrounding nations all know of Israel’s sins. God calls even the heathen nations to sit in judgment against Israel. This call to the heathen indicates several things. First, Israel is no longer ashamed of her sin; she publically displays her sin for the whole world to see (Jeremiah 6:15.) Second, even heathens condemn what Israel is doing. The people of God have become worse than the surrounding nations (1…
The Sin of Damascus (Amos 1:2-5)
Amos declares that God’s judgment is coming like a roaring lion. His judgment will cause men to mourn and mountains to melt. God’s coming judgment on Damascus Damascus has crossed the line and God’s judgment is coming. Damascus is the capital of Syria and is used here to reference the nation of Syria. Amos makes it very clear that there is nothing that the Syrians can do to avert God’s judgment. There comes a time when God’s judgment will come…