Sermons on Mothers
“Gender Confusion and the Glory of God” – Genesis 2:18-23
Main thoughts:In our society today there is much confusion over what it means to be a woman. Motherhood has been diminished to “birthing people.” This has crept into the church with major discussions taking place about women pastors and the role of women in ministry. As we celebrate Mother’s Day, we need to stop and examine what God’s Word says about this important subject.Two wrong answersWithin our society there are two prevailing views concerning women. Both of these views have…
Honoring Your Parents (Mark 7:6-13)
Jesus confronts the religious leaders of His day for ignoring what God says in order to promote their own traditions. Corban vs. Commandments He uses the practice of Corban to prove His point. God places a high value on honoring ones parents; He even instituted the death penalty for children who cursed their parents. Jesus makes clear that this honor is due our parents until their death and means that we should care for them in their old age. Corban…
Be Thou the Mother of Thousands of Millions
Rebekah has just agreed to marry Isaac. She is now being blessed by her family as she prepares to leave them and be married. Her family desires for her to be: The mother of thousands of millions Rebekah’s family has instilled in her the desire for children, lots of children. They are praying that God would bless her with children, lots of children. They see children as great blessings. As such, they desire that God would richly bless Rebekah by…