Sermons on God

“Why Emmanuel?” – Matthew 1:23
Main thoughts:Isaiah tells us that the Messiah will be called Emmanuel or “God with us.” The angel repeats this same name to Joseph. We know that Jesus is God in the flesh. We celebrate His advent or “coming to” this earth. Why? Why did God become a man? Why did He come as a child? To reveal God to usThroughout human history debates have raged as to what God is like. Human beings have created many false gods and many…

“Why the God of the Bible?” – Isaiah 41:21-42:4
Service for 11/15/22AM

God as Father (Psalm 68:5-6)
Because this Sunday is Father’s day, we are going to be looking at God as a Father from Psalm 68. God identifies as Father When Jesus revealed God to us He revealed Him as Father. Of all the positions and relations that He could have chosen God ordained the position of father to most closely resemble His character, nature, and operations in this world. Fathers have an awesome responsibility In light of this fathers have a huge responsibility. Our children’s…