Sermons on Jesus

“Why Emmanuel?” – Matthew 1:23
Main thoughts:Isaiah tells us that the Messiah will be called Emmanuel or “God with us.” The angel repeats this same name to Joseph. We know that Jesus is God in the flesh. We celebrate His advent or “coming to” this earth. Why? Why did God become a man? Why did He come as a child? To reveal God to usThroughout human history debates have raged as to what God is like. Human beings have created many false gods and many…

God Keeps His Promises (John 19:17-42)
Throughout our lives we can be plagued with fears and doubts. Does God love me? Will He come through in time? In this passage of Scripture we find many things that will boost our faith. Every tongue confesses Jesus God has promised that every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that Jesus is Lord. Here we can see the beginning of this fulfillment. Not only does Pilate identify Jesus as King, but he writes it in multiple languages…

The Humility of Christ (John 18:12-27)
Jesus now goes to trial. In this passage we see a stark contrast between Jesus and sinful men. Willingness to discuss vs. shutting down the conversation Jesus would like nothing more than an open discussion on the truth of Scripture. He has nothing to hide. In contrast, Peter tries every way in the world to avoid scrutiny by changing locations or cursing. The Pharisees do not even want to acknowledge what Jesus has already said publically. They strike Him and…

The Only Source of Comfort (John 14:22-26)
Jesus has been teaching the disciples about the special relationship that they enjoy with Him through faith in Him. Judas (also called Thaddeus) asks Him why He will not reveal Himself to the rest of the world. The disciples are envisioning a Savior who will show the Roman Empire His power and overthrow them ushering in an era of Jewish rule. We view the problem as outside of us All people are discontented, discomforted, and struggling. We naturally view this…

Which Jesus Do You Believe In? (John 14:6-11)
Jesus continues to explain to His disciples that He is not just the only way to the Father, but that to see Jesus is to see the Father. Jesus is clear Jesus is very clear that He is one with God the Father; He is God in the flesh. The mystery of the Trinity is clearly taught here by Jesus Christ. Jesus is a separate being than God the Father, yet He is God the Father. There is no ambiguity…

Christ-like Love (John 13:31-35)
Jesus’ death is going to bring glory to God Jesus is now going to be betrayed, arrested, and crucified. He is very clear that this will bring glory to God. God’s love, justice, righteousness, mercy, and grace will be on full display as Jesus dies on the cross. Jesus’ death is the highest expression of God’s love for His people. Indeed, “Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.” (John 15:13.)…

Foreknowledge: Proof of Divinity (John 13: 18-30)
Jesus did not choose all the disciples Jesus is clear that not all of the disciples are clean and not all of them have been chosen. The Scriptures taught that one of them would betray Jesus. Jesus knows that it is Judas who will betray Him. He clearly indicates this later in the passage. The disciples did not know Judas would betray Jesus There was absolutely no indication that Judas would betray Jesus. The disciples were so perplexed that they…

The Wrong Type of King (John 12:12-19)
Jesus enters Jerusalem riding on a donkey; the crowds recognize this as a fulfillment of Zechariah’s prophecy. This man who had the power to raise the dead was their King! They joyfully bring Him into Jerusalem with shouts of praise. However, these same people five days later would demand the crucifixion of their King and declare that they had no king but Caesar. How could so many people change their minds so quickly? The King the Jews wanted The Jews…

Valuing Jesus (John 11:45-48)
Jesus has just raised Lazarus from the dead. Many people witnessed this event, but they had very different reactions. Some people believed that He was the Messiah; others plotted to kill Him for gaining such a big following. They all knew the truth We have a wrong understanding of what it means to believe in Jesus. We often view belief in Jesus as intellectual assent to the historical truth that Jesus died on the cross and rose again from the…