Sermons on The Gospel

Truths of the Gospel – Romans 1:18
Truths of the Gospel – 1

Condemnation and Forgiveness (John 20:19-23)
Jesus meets with the disciples after His resurrection. Joy and Peace When Jesus came into the room and they were assured of His resurrection the disciples were filled with joy. Jesus greeted them with the standard Jewish greeting of the time, an extension of peace. When we believe in Jesus’ resurrection our lives are filled with joy and peace. Sent out with the Gospel in the power of the Spirit Just as Jesus was sent into the world to save…

It Is Finished (John 19:25-30)
Jesus’ last words on the cross give us one of the most clear understandings of God’s interaction with man. “It is finished” summarizes the whole of the Bible and shows us how man is made right with God. The Old Covenant From the beginning of time God had an arrangement with man: keep His Law and receive blessings and life; break His Law and receive cursings and death. This covenant was codified on Mt. Sinai and is commonly referred to…

Foundation 3: Gospel of Grace (Romans 4:4-5)
As condemned sinners we are unable to do anything to escape the wrath of God. How then can we be saved? What is the Gospel? The Gospel simply means good news. It is not good works, good deed, good morals, or good ethics. The basis of Christianity is good news. It is not something we must do, instead it is something that has already been done. It is not something we do it is something we believe has already been…

Foundations of Our Faith (Psalm 11:3)
The foundation of our faith is under constant assault. If the foundations crumble, our faith will fall. We must strengthen and pass on the foundations If our faith is going to stand, we must strengthen the foundations. We must constantly be reminded of and refresh our minds to the great foundational truths of Christianity. In addition to this we must pass on these truths to our children and others who are new in the faith. Jesus is our foundation Christianity…

The Only Source of Comfort (John 14:22-26)
Jesus has been teaching the disciples about the special relationship that they enjoy with Him through faith in Him. Judas (also called Thaddeus) asks Him why He will not reveal Himself to the rest of the world. The disciples are envisioning a Savior who will show the Roman Empire His power and overthrow them ushering in an era of Jewish rule. We view the problem as outside of us All people are discontented, discomforted, and struggling. We naturally view this…

Which Jesus Do You Believe In? (John 14:6-11)
Jesus continues to explain to His disciples that He is not just the only way to the Father, but that to see Jesus is to see the Father. Jesus is clear Jesus is very clear that He is one with God the Father; He is God in the flesh. The mystery of the Trinity is clearly taught here by Jesus Christ. Jesus is a separate being than God the Father, yet He is God the Father. There is no ambiguity…

Are You Blind? (John 12:37-41)
Any honest reader of John’s Gospel would be asking the question, “Why don’t these people believe in Jesus after seeing all these miracles?” John answers this question. Their unbelief is a fulfillment of prophecy The people did not understand that the Messiah would die to deliver His people. In Isaiah 53, Isaiah prophesied that that is exactly what the Messiah would do; however, he begins that prophecy by stating that no one would believe his report. Through the inspiration of…

Only the Gospel (John 12:28-33)
After Jesus has asked God to glorify His name, God speaks audibly from heaven. What follows this miraculous incident is very instructive for us today. They are still blind Even though God spoke audibly from heaven, they still did not see the truth. Some even decided that God’s voice must have been thunder. Others decided that an angel was speaking to Jesus even though Jesus is clear that God was speaking to them. We so often place our hopes in…

Clothing and the Line of Seth
God has cursed mankind and left them with only one hope, the Seed of the woman. Now we see God clothe Adam and Eve. Unto Adam also and to his wife did the LORD God make coats of skins, and clothed them. Genesis 3:21 Just as God created man, created woman, and created marriage, now God creates clothing. Because there is only a married man and woman on the earth we see that clothing was not created to stop sexual…