Rebekah has just agreed to marry Isaac. She is now being blessed by her family as she prepares to leave them and be married. Her family desires for her to be:
The mother of thousands of millions
Rebekah’s family has instilled in her the desire for children, lots of children. They are praying that God would bless her with children, lots of children. They see children as great blessings. As such, they desire that God would richly bless Rebekah by giving her “thousands of millions” of children. God only gives Rebekah two children. The emphasis is not on how many children Rebekah is able to have. The emphasis is two-fold: one, they desired as many children as God saw fit to give; two, they were looking many years into the future where two children become thousands of millions of great-great-great-great-grandchildren.
The mother of victorious warriors
They do not just desire many children. They desire for the children to be victorious warriors. They are instilling within Rebekah the way they desire for children to be raised. They see each child as having the potential to advance the Lord’s kingdom. They expect her to raise her children to fight and win in the battle.
As Christians, we must see children as blessings. We should desire for God to bless us with as many children as He sees fit. We must also be looking many years into the future. Each child has the potential to become thousands of believers in Jesus Christ. We must raise our children to then serve Christ with all their might and be victorious warriors in His Kingdom.