"Jesus" Tagged Sermons
Christ-like Love (John 13:31-35)
Jesus’ death is going to bring glory to God Jesus is now going to be betrayed, arrested, and crucified. He is very clear that this will bring glory to God. God’s love, justice, righteousness, mercy, and grace will be on full display as Jesus dies on the cross. Jesus’ death is the highest expression of God’s love for His people. Indeed, “Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.” (John 15:13.)…
Foreknowledge: Proof of Divinity (John 13: 18-30)
Jesus did not choose all the disciples Jesus is clear that not all of the disciples are clean and not all of them have been chosen. The Scriptures taught that one of them would betray Jesus. Jesus knows that it is Judas who will betray Him. He clearly indicates this later in the passage. The disciples did not know Judas would betray Jesus There was absolutely no indication that Judas would betray Jesus. The disciples were so perplexed that they…
Walk in the Light (John 12:32-36)
Jesus proclaims that as the Son of Man, He is going to be crucified. The people are confused and ask Him two questions. One, doesn’t the Bible say that the Messiah will reign forever? Two, what do you mean by Son of Man? Jesus does not answer their questions As a student of the Bible, I personally find these questions to be very compelling. I personally would like to hear Jesus go through the Old Testament and give a detailed…
The Wrong Type of King (John 12:12-19)
Jesus enters Jerusalem riding on a donkey; the crowds recognize this as a fulfillment of Zechariah’s prophecy. This man who had the power to raise the dead was their King! They joyfully bring Him into Jerusalem with shouts of praise. However, these same people five days later would demand the crucifixion of their King and declare that they had no king but Caesar. How could so many people change their minds so quickly? The King the Jews wanted The Jews…
Valuing Jesus (John 11:45-48)
Jesus has just raised Lazarus from the dead. Many people witnessed this event, but they had very different reactions. Some people believed that He was the Messiah; others plotted to kill Him for gaining such a big following. They all knew the truth We have a wrong understanding of what it means to believe in Jesus. We often view belief in Jesus as intellectual assent to the historical truth that Jesus died on the cross and rose again from the…
The Deity of Christ (John 10:30-33)
In this passage Jesus declares that He is one with the Father. In case there is any doubt as to what He meant by this we can look at the reaction of the people present at the time. They clearly understood that Jesus was declaring Himself to be God. In His declaration, Jesus: Affirms the Trinity Jesus does not say that He is the same as the Father but that He is one with the Father. This opposes the false…
The Infinite Power of Christ (John 10:17-18)
Jesus now explains that He has the authority to do all these things because of the love the Father has towards Him and the power that He has bestowed upon Him. Jesus has power to lay down His life and power to take it again. This is a power that is beyond our wildest imagination or dreams. This is an infinite power that we cannot even comprehend. Jesus has infinite power Jesus has all authority and power in heaven and…
Jesus Died for His Sheep (John 10:11)
Jesus has just told us that He gives life. He gives His sheep everything that the false teachers try to steal from them. He now expounds on this. Jesus is the Good Shepherd Jesus is again using the metaphor of sheep, thieves, and shepherds. Jesus calls Himself the Good Shepherd. He is obviously declaring Himself to be the Lord from Psalm 23. He is also showing that He has come to protect and provide for His sheep. He will lead…
The Only Way (John 10:6-9)
The people do not understand Jesus’ teaching about robbers. Jesus now continues to instruct the man who was blind and those present about false teachers and the only way to be right with God. Jesus is the Door The man who was blind has been rejected by his community, his synagogue, and his religion. Most people in his position would consider themselves lost and rejected by God. However, Jesus is very clear that He alone is the door. Pastors, popes,…
The Great I Am (John 8:48-59)
The Jews cannot refute what Jesus has said, so they now resort to name calling. The say that He is a Samaritan and demon-possessed. Jesus is only concerned with God’s glory and man’s good Jesus is not concerned with the opinion of the crowds. He is only concerned with God’s glory, and He is only concerned with God’s judgment, not man’s. He is telling them the truth so that they might have eternal life. Even though they continue to slander…
The Savior is No Longer Waiting (John 8:21)
Jesus has been having a back and forth discussion with the Pharisees. He now says some very sobering words. Jesus is going We so often envision a Savior Who patiently waits for us to decide to follow Him. Jesus here declares things to be the exact opposite of what we expect. Jesus is not waiting for them; He is going His way. Jesus is leaving them behind. Their window of opportunity has passed. The ship is setting sail without them…