This is a “rambling poem” of David. It covers many different rambling thoughts, but the main circumstance that David is singing about is the slander of Cush. We do not have this incident recorded for us in Scripture, so we do not know if this was while Saul was king or after David became king. Either way, Saul was from the tribe of Benjamin so there was always some level of animosity towards David from the Benjamites. David tried to live at peace with them, and at one time Cush slandered David and made the situation worse.
Faith in God
David begins his song by affirming his faith in God. He has no confidence in man or himself; his hope is in God alone. He cries out for God to deliver him from those who are persecuting him. When we are slandered, there is nothing we can do to deliver ourselves. Only God can deliver us from the slander of evil men.
Devouring his soul
David describes slander here like a lion devouring a helpless lamb; unless someone intervenes the lamb will not survive. That is the way slander works. If no one speaks up for us the lies will destroy us. David also describes slander as destroying his soul. These words are deep wounds that destroy the innermost part of a man (Proverbs 18:8.) We must remember that many times our words do far more damage to others than anything else. Things we say can destroy our spouses, our children, and others in our lives. This Psalm shows us though that there is healing from these wounds found in the Lord.
Letting God judge
David has enough humility to acknowledge that maybe he is not the innocent person in this. Maybe the slander is not slander; maybe it is the truth. Because of this, David lays the situation out before the Lord. He wants God to judge who is right and who is wrong. David acknowledges that he feels like he is right, but he is humble enough to let God judge.
Our words and the words of others have a tremendously destructive effect (James 3:5-6.) Because of this, we must have the humility to acknowledge to God and others that we might not be right. We must listen to how our words have hurt others and ask for their forgiveness. We must let God convict us when we are wrong in situations and repent. If we have been hurt, we must run to God for healing from the wounds of our enemies. This is especially seen in healing from the wounds that Satan has inflicted on us. There is healing found in the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. We must then be those who proclaim this great news to the countless people in our society who are hurting.