Jesus is All That Matters (John 3:35-36)

Jesus is All That Matters (John 3:35-36)

John the Baptist here concludes his discussion with his disciples about following Jesus.

God loves Jesus

With all of our talk about God’s love for mankind and God’s love for the world we often times forget the love of God for His Son. God loves His Son more the He has ever loved anything else. God delights in His Son so much that He has publically spoken from heaven concerning His pleasure in His Son. God has loved Jesus since eternity past before anything was ever created. God loves Jesus more than all of creation, including you and me.

God has given everything to Jesus

Everything in this world was created for Jesus Christ. God created everything, angels, heaven, earth, the universe, as a present for His Son Jesus. All of creation was made by God so that His Son might be seen and loved by all. You and I were created to show forth the glory of God’s Son. We have been created by the Father for His Son. Everything in all of creation has been given to Jesus, including you and me.

If you believe in Jesus you have eternal life

Because God loves His Son so much, the only way to be accepted before the Father is by accepting the Son. If you come to terms with Jesus Christ you will be accepted by His Father. The only way that you can come to terms with Jesus is to believe in Him.

If you do not believe in Jesus you face God’s wrath

If you reject God’s Son, you are rejecting your purpose for existing, and you are rejecting the Apple of God’s eye. How can you spurn a man’s child and yet be accepted of him? To reject Jesus Christ is to be rejected by God and face His wrath. God is not in love with church attendance, baptism, tithing, etc. God loves His Son above all these things. To attend church while rejecting Jesus Christ will only stir up the wrath of God, not appease Him. The same is true of all good works. The only hope of mankind is found in God’s Son, Jesus the Christ.


Are you trusting in Jesus Christ alone for your salvation? Is Jesus being exalted in our homes, marriages, lives, and church?


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