Jesus continues to invite others to follow Him
Jesus now finds Philip and tells him to follow Him. Philip immediately follows Christ and recognizes that He is the Messiah. The invitation to salvation is an invitation to follow Christ and become like Him.
Philip brings Nathaniel to Jesus
Philip finds Nathaniel and tells him that they have found the messiah. This messiah was Jesus of Nazareth. (At this time, they believed that Joseph was Jesus’ father.) Nathaniel is invited to come and see Who Christ is. Evangelism is bringing people into contact with Jesus Christ, so that they might see and believe Who He is and that He might save and change them.
Nathaniel has major doubts that are resolved upon his encounter with Jesus
Nathaniel does not believe that Jesus is the Messiah at first. In fact he does not even believe that anything good could ever come from Nazareth. Upon meeting Christ, his doubts immediately disappear when Christ speaks showing His complete knowledge of Nathaniel’s life. People’s doubts can only be put to rest by an encounter with Jesus. Like Philip we must bring people to Jesus.
Jesus declares that He is Jacob’s ladder to heaven
Jesus tells Nathaniel that the angels of God ascend and descend upon the Son of Man. He is here declaring that He is Jacob’s ladder. In other words, He is the way to God. He is where heaven meets earth. He is the very dwelling of God with men. Jesus is emphatically declaring that He is the very presence of God on this earth and that He, and He alone, is the way to God.
We must follow Christ and call others to follow Him. We must bring people to Christ. People’s doubts can only be dispelled by Jesus Christ. Jesus, as the Divine Son of God, is the only way to God the Father. We must believe in Him!
One Comment
Doug Byrd
Now I understand what Jacobs ladder means.