"witness" Tagged Sermons

Wanted by God and His People
This week marks the 42nd anniversary of Roe v. Wade which legalized abortion in the United States. Since then, approximately 56 million babies have been murdered in this country, making the American abortion problem roughly five times worse than the Nazi Holocaust. Unfortunately when abortion comes up, most believers believe that their only duty is to vote for prolife candidates at election times. However, law does not change human hearts. Grace does. We must show the incarnational love and grace…

Man-made Religion or Divine Revelation? (John 3:31-34)
John the Baptist here continues what he has been saying to his disciples concerning Jesus. John is a man, Jesus is Divine John is from the earth; he is a mere man. Jesus is from heaven; He is divine. John is here showing his followers that Jesus is Who they should follow. Jesus surpasses everything and is above all people including John the Baptist. John speaks with human understanding, Jesus speaks from firsthand knowledge Even though John was a great…

Jacob’s Ladder to Heaven
Jesus continues to invite others to follow Him Jesus now finds Philip and tells him to follow Him. Philip immediately follows Christ and recognizes that He is the Messiah. The invitation to salvation is an invitation to follow Christ and become like Him. Philip brings Nathaniel to Jesus Philip finds Nathaniel and tells him that they have found the messiah. This messiah was Jesus of Nazareth. (At this time, they believed that Joseph was Jesus’ father.) Nathaniel is invited to…

John the Baptist: John’s First Witness (John 1:6-8)
John the Baptist is a man sent from God John the Baptist and all the prophets are men sent from God. They speak for God. We must listen to them because they speak for God to us. All the prophets point to Jesus as the only way to the Father. John comes from God and points us to Christ. John the Baptist is a witness A witness simply states what they have heard and seen. They repeat what they have…