Sermons from March 2023
“The Character of God” – Psalm 36:5-12
Main thoughts: After looking at the wicked, David now fixes his eyes upon God. He speaks of His character and closes with a prayer for deliverance. Meditations on God’s CharacterDavid turns his eyes off the wicked and onto the character of God. God’s mercy is as incomprehensible as the universe God’s faithfulness stretches completely out of sight God’s righteousness is massive and unchanging God’s justice is deeper than our comprehension God preserves all of His creation God’s character produces our faithAs…
“Warning Signs of Spiritual Danger” – Psalm 36:1-4
Our apologies – No video is available. Main thoughts: Psalm 36 is David’s reflection on the wicked man’s character contrasted with the character of God and God’s love and concern for His own. As we look at the first part of this psalm, we need to ask for the Spirit of God to show us the true nature of our own hearts. Actions show the heartVery few people acknowledge that they are caught up in sin and evil. However, our actions…
“God’s Love for His Sheep” – Psalm 35:19-28
Message: “God’s Love for His Sheep”Text: Psalm 35:19-28 Main thoughts: David now concludes his song by reflecting on God’s love for him. (19) Prayer for victoryDavid cries out to God for victory. His enemies are conspiring against him. They do not have a valid reason for hating him, but they continue their deceptive ways against him. (20-21) The enemies’ accusationsDavid just wants to live a life of peace and quiet. However, his enemies will not allow it. They will continually attack him. Saul…