"prayer" Tagged Sermons
Greater Works (John 14:11-14)
Jesus now speaks of those who believe in Him doing greater works than what He has done. True believers will live like Jesus The word “works” is not referring exclusively to miracles; the Greek word actually refers to “deeds” or “labors.” Although this would include miracles this is not the exclusive meaning. Jesus is saying that those who believe in Him will live and act the way He lived and acted. The word for “greater” does not mean “more miraculous”…
The Reality of Prayer
The early church continued steadfastly in prayer. Prayer was such a vital part of the church that the apostles appointed deacons to care for the widows so that they might give themselves to prayer. Why was prayer such a huge part of the early church? The answer is throughout all of Jesus’ teachings, but we will focus on John 15. All life and power belongs to Jesus We are the branches, Jesus is the vine. Separated from Jesus we are…
An Unexpected Arrival (John 6:15-21)
Jesus sends the disciples on across the sea while He goes to a mountain alone to pray. The disciples anticipate Jesus’ arrival Jesus was going to catch up with the disciples later. We read that it was dark, and He still had not come to them. The disciples assumed that Jesus would be following them in a boat, and they were looking for Him to catch up to them at any time. Throughout our lives we seek for Jesus to…