"repentance" Tagged Sermons

"repentance" Tagged Sermons

Dying to Self (John 12:20-29)

While He is in Jerusalem some Greeks come to see Jesus. Jesus teaches them and His disciples the true meaning of His life and how to find meaning in our own lives. Seeds as an illustration Jesus speaks of planting a seed in the ground. In doing so, the seed will cease to exist or die. However, this seed will produce a plant that will grow to produce fruit. If the seed refuses to die it will always be fruitless;…

Repentance & Remission (Luke 24:44-47)

Like the disciples, many people do not understand the resurrection. Why did Jesus have to rise from the dead? What is the significance of this? Jesus explains this to His disciples in Luke 24. Moses shows our death In Genesis we find that our sin has removed us from God’s presence. This is what it means to be dead, cut off from the life of God. We also read that a flaming sword stands in the way back to God.…