"the incarnation" Tagged Sermons

Why Did Jesus Become Man? (1 Corinthians 15:21-22)
As we celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ we rarely ask, “Why?” Why did Jesus come to this earth? Why couldn’t God just forgive us from heaven? Why did He become man? Why did He become a baby? Isn’t there a better way? Finite man sinned against an infinite God Adam was a finite creature who sinned against an infinite God, making his guilt infinite. God required perfect obedience to His law. One sin would have infinite consequences. Adam’s one…

The Miracle of the Incarnation (John 1:14)
Jesus was made flesh Jesus, the Son of God, has always existed as God. He was made flesh (incarnation). God became a man in the womb of Mary. Mary was a virgin, so that which was born of her was the Son of God not man (Luke 1:34-35). Jesus dwelt among us The word “dwelt” is the word for “tabernacle.” Jesus “tabernacled” among us. He was the presence of God in our midst. He knows what it is like to…