"worship" Tagged Sermons

Worshiping Jesus (John 12:1-11)
As Jesus is eating dinner with Lazarus and His disciples, Mary anoints His feet with very expensive perfume and wipes His feet with her hair. From this discourse we find out a lot about the people present. Martha was serving Just like the story in Luke 10:38-42 Martha was very busy taking care of everyone. She was selflessly making sure that everyone was fed and taken care. However, she once again neglected the most important thing, Jesus Christ. We can…

Church Music
The early church praised Jesus constantly. As we continue our study of the church we now come to the question of what music is acceptable in the worship of God. Music is to be an overflow of the heart There is a pagan concept of music that we see in Amos and Daniel. It is the idea of music being something external that hopefully will change and effect the heart. It is an outside in approach. This is the approach…

The Church Exists to Worship Jesus
Jesus is of surpassing worth Paul here states that he is willing to give up everything for Christ. He is willing to do this because Christ is of surpassing worth or value. Paul sees that Jesus is of infinite worth and that everything else pales in comparison to Christ. This is the essence of worship. The word “worship” in English means to assign supreme value or worth to an object. Paul has come to see that Jesus is of supreme…