"bible study" Tagged Sermons
Do You Know God? (John 7:25-29)
The longer Jesus talks, the more the Jews dislike Him. He is continually pointing out that they are not right with God, and that He is the only way for them to be right with the Father. The Jews are surprised at Jesus’ boldness The Jews want to kill Jesus, and Jesus knows this. However, Jesus continues to boldly speak the truth. This amazes the Jews. People who are walking in the light have no problem speaking the truth openly.…
Every Believer is to be a Theologian
In Acts 2 we read that there was a dramatic change that took place in each believer. Remember that these were all Jews who knew the Old Testament Law very well. Upon being converted to Christianity they came to realize that they had missed the whole point of the Law, Jesus Christ. This resulted in a continued hunger for the Word of God among the believers. They continued in the Apostle’s doctrine. From this we learn that: Every believer is…