"eternal life" Tagged Sermons

The Light of the World (John 8:12)
Jesus has just allowed the adulterous woman to go free. She acknowledged her guilt by staying at His feet, and He has told her to go and sin no more. Jesus now addresses the crowd that has witnessed this event. Jesus is the light of the world Jesus is emphatic that the woman was delivered from death because of Who He is. There is no focus on the woman or what she has done. Salvation is only in Who Jesus…

Jesus is Life (John 6:22-36)
As we look back in depth at John 6 we must remember that the people who are coming to Jesus for food think that they are already right with God because of their works. In their minds they already have eternal life because of everything that they have done. They are only coming to Jesus for food. Works will never save us Jesus tells them that everything that they have done is going to perish. They are seeking things that…

Look and Live (John 3:14-15)
Nicodemus is still having a hard time understanding what Jesus is saying about the New Birth. Jesus then reminds Nicodemus of the time that God provided a way for the children of Israel to live again. All were bitten by snakes and would die The Israelites were bitten by poisonous snakes, and many of them had already died. The snakes bit people indiscriminately. It did not matter if you were old or young, a priest or a commoner, male or…