"serve" Tagged Sermons

Finish His Work (John 4:31-38)
Jesus has just had His encounter with the Samaritan woman by the well. His disciples now return with food for Him to eat. Jesus says that He is not hungry, and what follows is Jesus’ teaching on faithfulness to the task God has given you. Jesus is satisfied by finishing God’s task for Him Just as the woman at the well was satisfied by Jesus, so Jesus is satisfied with doing the Father’s Will. He is no longer hungry because…

Surrendered for Service
Isaiah hears God speak We do not know if God was speaking before this, but we do know that Isaiah never heard the Lord’s voice until he was purged from sin. Many times our sin interferes with us hearing God’s voice. This is why confession of sin and cleansing from sin is so vital to the Christian life: we want to hear God’s voice clearly. Isaiah surrenders for service Upon hearing God speak, Isaiah volunteers. His statement is one of…