"total depravity" Tagged Sermons

Spiritual Blindness (John 11:49-57)
As the Jewish leaders are fretting over what to do about Jesus Caiaphas stands and tells them that Jesus must die. He tells them that Jesus must die for the nation and that His death will unite the people of God who are scattered all over the earth. Beware of the man who knows everything Caiaphas begins his speech by deriding the other Jews as knowing nothing; he is now going to enlighten them with his wisdom. We must beware…

The Gospel – Man’s Depravity
The central teaching of Christianity is the Gospel. This theological statement has tremendous bearing on everything else we do. Is man basically good or basically evil? How you answer that question will influence your view of raising children, authority, government, etc. Is God’s favor given by grace or merit? How you answer that question will affect your marriage, when someone cuts you off in traffic, etc. Before we can look at anything, we must look at the Gospel. What then?…

The Chain of Salvation (John 6:36-65)
John 6 is often considered a problem passage for most believers because of Jesus’ teachings on election and predestination. However, the passage is extremely easy to interpret. Jesus speaks very simply and plainly in the text. The problem lies in what His teachings do to the system of “Christian” doctrine that we have been immersed in. What Jesus says here should change our view of human nature, the Gospel, how we reach the lost, etc. Some believe, others don’t Jesus…

All the Father Gives Will Come (John 6:22-69)
The next morning after Jesus has fed the crowds of people they go looking for Him again. It is very clear that they have no desire for Jesus, God, eternal life, etc.; all they want is free food. Jesus tells them to labor for eternal things, not temporal Jesus refuses to feed them because their greatest need is the eternal life that is found in Him. He offers Himself to them instead of food, but they are only interested in…

There is Something Worse (John 5:1-16)
Jesus here encounters a man who is unable to walk. He found him setting beside a place of miraculous healing, but the man was still unable to walk. The man is incapable of moving himself for healing No matter how much the lame man desires to walk or how powerful the healing in the pool may be, the man is simply unable to move himself to be healed. This illustrates how we are completely incapable of attaining our salvation. We…

God Must Move First (John 3:22-27)
Jesus’ disciples are baptizing many people near where John the Baptist is preaching and baptizing people. This is before John is imprisoned. While this is going on, John’s followers get into a debate with the Jews about religious washing and purification. They then come to John with the complaint that more people are now following Jesus than John. John replies, “A man can receive nothing, except it be given him from heaven.” What John means is: Men are unable to…

Step into the Light (John 3:19-21)
Jesus has just finished telling Nicodemus that all those who do not believe in Him are already condemned. Jesus now explains why men are condemned and how men escape the condemnation through Him. Men are condemned because they reject light and love darkness Jesus comes as the Light of the world. Jesus is light in that He exposes sin and reveals the true nature of men. Men are condemned because they reject the truth and run from Jesus. Men are…

Man’s Inability & Christ’s Ability (John 1:5)
All men are without excuse The Light of Jesus Christ has shown through nature and men’s consciences since the beginning; however, all men have rejected the Light they have received. There is no one who goes to heck without receiving a measure of Light. They go to heck, not because of their ignorance of the Light, but because of their rejection of the Light. Therefore, all men are without excuse at the judgment (Romans 1:18-20). Men are unable to apprehend…