Sermons by Daniel Kendall (Page 53)

Sermons by Daniel Kendall (Page 53)

John the Baptist: John’s First Witness (John 1:6-8)

John the Baptist is a man sent from God John the Baptist and all the prophets are men sent from God. They speak for God. We must listen to them because they speak for God to us. All the prophets point to Jesus as the only way to the Father. John comes from God and points us to Christ. John the Baptist is a witness A witness simply states what they have heard and seen. They repeat what they have…

Man’s Inability & Christ’s Ability (John 1:5)

All men are without excuse The Light of Jesus Christ has shown through nature and men’s consciences since the beginning; however, all men have rejected the Light they have received. There is no one who goes to heck without receiving a measure of Light. They go to heck, not because of their ignorance of the Light, but because of their rejection of the Light. Therefore, all men are without excuse at the judgment (Romans 1:18-20). Men are unable to apprehend…

Jesus is the Creator, Life, and Light (John 1:3-4)

Jesus is Creator Jesus was not just simply there in the beginning. He was the Word that proceeded from God and created everything. Jesus, as the Word, was the “let there be light” that brought light into being. He was the Word that created all things. Jesus is Life Jesus is Life Himself. All living things derive their life from Him. He is what gave Adam’s lifeless corpse being. All human life is derived from Him. He is the one…

Jesus is the Eternal God (John 1:1-2)

John begins his Gospel with the same words that begin Genesis. He uses the phrase “in the beginning” to show that Jesus was there with God and as God at creation. John systematically lays out the nature of Jesus: 1. Jesus is “the Word” Jesus is the public declaration (“Word”) of the mind, will, nature, and character of God (John 1:18). The concept of “Word” shows the Trinity in that God the Father ordains salvation, and God the Son declares…

The Purpose of the Gospel of John (John 20:30-31)

1. That we might believe that Jesus is the Christ John is writing to prove that Jesus is the “Anointed One.” Jesus is the fulfillment of all the Old Testament prophecies. He crushed the head of the Serpent. He will reign forever on the throne of David. He has ushered in the New Covenant. He forgives our sins. 2. That we might believe that Jesus is the Son of God John is writing to prove that Jesus is divine. He…