Sermons by Daniel Kendall (Page 52)

Sermons by Daniel Kendall (Page 52)

Jesus is Lord (John 2:13-25)

Jesus acts with authority Jesus walks into the temple and begins giving orders. He physically removes animals, tables, money, etc. from the temple. He speaks and acts as One Who has ultimate authority. His command is law; His Word is to be obeyed. He stands in defense of His Father’s house, and no one is able to oppose His will. The Jews want to see a sign The Jews were taken back by Jesus’ brazen display of authority. They could…

Abundant Life is in Jesus (John 2:1-12)

John has told us in John 20:31 that he has written this Gospel so that we might believe that Jesus is the Christ, that He is the Son of God, and that we find life in Him. This passage where Jesus turns water into wine is meant to prove these three points: Jesus is the Christ Moses spoke of a prophet that would come after him and in his likeness. It was this prophet that we were to follow. This…

Jacob’s Ladder to Heaven

Jesus continues to invite others to follow Him Jesus now finds Philip and tells him to follow Him. Philip immediately follows Christ and recognizes that He is the Messiah. The invitation to salvation is an invitation to follow Christ and become like Him. Philip brings Nathaniel to Jesus Philip finds Nathaniel and tells him that they have found the messiah. This messiah was Jesus of Nazareth. (At this time, they believed that Joseph was Jesus’ father.) Nathaniel is invited to…

Come and See (John 1:35-42)

Upon hearing John the Baptist’s testimony two disciples follow Jesus John’s disciples understood that belief in Christ and following Him are one and the same. They knew that they must leave off following earthly pursuits and pursue Christ. To be a Christian is to follow Christ. If you are not following Christ, you are not a true believer. Jesus invites them to come and see where He was staying Jesus invites the two disciples to come and learn from Him…

John the Baptist’s Verdict: Jesus is Divine (John 1:29-34)

Jesus is the One John the Baptist has been talking about John has been telling everyone that there is Someone coming Who is greater than him. When Jesus comes, John instantly points people to Jesus and declares Him to be the One that they must follow. John the Baptist did not know Who the Messiah was going to be John the Baptist did not know Who the Messiah was. He knew that the Messiah was coming after him, but he…

Behold the Lamb (John 1:29)

We are to behold Jesus Salvation is by beholding, or looking to Jesus alone. This beholding is a great picture of faith. It is not our works that save us; it is our looking to Jesus that saves us. The word “behold” is imperative; this means that it is absolutely necessary to believe in Christ. It is also singular, meaning that faith must be exercised by each individual who desires salvation. Jesus is the Lamb Jesus is the Lamb who…

Who is John the Baptist? (John 1:19-28)

John the Baptist is not the Christ John the Baptist emphasizes that he is not the Savior. Salvation is not found in John the Baptist. John the Baptist is not Elijah or some great prophet John did not seek accolades or a reputation for himself. He flat out denies that he is the second coming of Elijah or any great prophet. He is simply a man born from a woman. John the Baptist is the Voice that prepares the way…

The Right Use of the Law (John 1:15-18)

John the Baptist testifies to the Deity of Jesus John the Baptist confirms the Apostle John’s teaching that Jesus is God in the flesh. He declares that Jesus, Who was born after him, actually preceded him in existence. John also declares that Jesus was greater than he was. John the Baptist is very clearly declaring Jesus to be the Eternal God become flesh. In Jesus we receive an overflow of God’s grace because of God’s grace All humans receive an…

The Miracle of the Incarnation (John 1:14)

Jesus was made flesh Jesus, the Son of God, has always existed as God. He was made flesh (incarnation). God became a man in the womb of Mary. Mary was a virgin, so that which was born of her was the Son of God not man (Luke 1:34-35). Jesus dwelt among us The word “dwelt” is the word for “tabernacle.” Jesus “tabernacled” among us. He was the presence of God in our midst. He knows what it is like to…

Christ Must Be Received By Faith (John 1:12-13)

Jesus Christ must be received There is no hope for mankind except in receiving Jesus. We cannot continue to reject Him. We must receive Him if we are to find life. Salvation is only in Jesus. He who has the Son has life (1 John 5:12). Those who receive Christ are given the power, right, and privilege to become sons of God Only those who receive Christ are given the privilege to become the children of God. Salvation is when…

The Light Rejected (John 1:9-11)

Jesus is the True Light Jesus is the Light of the World. He is the only One Who can dispel darkness. He is the subject of John the Baptist’s testimony and all of Scripture. All creation exists because of Him. Jesus gives light to every man All men are born with a conscience that teaches them right from wrong. This internal moral compass has been severely damaged by the Fall, but men still know right from wrong because of their…