"John the Baptist" Tagged Sermons

John the Baptist’s Verdict: Jesus is Divine (John 1:29-34)
Jesus is the One John the Baptist has been talking about John has been telling everyone that there is Someone coming Who is greater than him. When Jesus comes, John instantly points people to Jesus and declares Him to be the One that they must follow. John the Baptist did not know Who the Messiah was going to be John the Baptist did not know Who the Messiah was. He knew that the Messiah was coming after him, but he…

Behold the Lamb (John 1:29)
We are to behold Jesus Salvation is by beholding, or looking to Jesus alone. This beholding is a great picture of faith. It is not our works that save us; it is our looking to Jesus that saves us. The word “behold” is imperative; this means that it is absolutely necessary to believe in Christ. It is also singular, meaning that faith must be exercised by each individual who desires salvation. Jesus is the Lamb Jesus is the Lamb who…

Who is John the Baptist? (John 1:19-28)
John the Baptist is not the Christ John the Baptist emphasizes that he is not the Savior. Salvation is not found in John the Baptist. John the Baptist is not Elijah or some great prophet John did not seek accolades or a reputation for himself. He flat out denies that he is the second coming of Elijah or any great prophet. He is simply a man born from a woman. John the Baptist is the Voice that prepares the way…

John the Baptist: John’s First Witness (John 1:6-8)
John the Baptist is a man sent from God John the Baptist and all the prophets are men sent from God. They speak for God. We must listen to them because they speak for God to us. All the prophets point to Jesus as the only way to the Father. John comes from God and points us to Christ. John the Baptist is a witness A witness simply states what they have heard and seen. They repeat what they have…

The Purpose of the Gospel of John (John 20:30-31)
1. That we might believe that Jesus is the Christ John is writing to prove that Jesus is the “Anointed One.” Jesus is the fulfillment of all the Old Testament prophecies. He crushed the head of the Serpent. He will reign forever on the throne of David. He has ushered in the New Covenant. He forgives our sins. 2. That we might believe that Jesus is the Son of God John is writing to prove that Jesus is divine. He…