The Book of John (Page 8)

The Book of John (Page 8)

As we read through John, look for evidence that Jesus is the Divine Savior. John’s Gospel is very helpful for strengthening your faith against religions and cults who deny the Trinity or the deity of Christ. In evangelism, tell others to read the Gospel of John first. The Gospel of John was written to foster saving faith in Jesus Christ.

Jesus is Life (John 6:22-36)

As we look back in depth at John 6 we must remember that the people who are coming to Jesus for food think that they are already right with God because of their works. In their minds they already have eternal life because of everything that they have done. They are only coming to Jesus for food. Works will never save us Jesus tells them that everything that they have done is going to perish. They are seeking things that…

All the Father Gives Will Come (John 6:22-69)

The next morning after Jesus has fed the crowds of people they go looking for Him again. It is very clear that they have no desire for Jesus, God, eternal life, etc.; all they want is free food. Jesus tells them to labor for eternal things, not temporal Jesus refuses to feed them because their greatest need is the eternal life that is found in Him. He offers Himself to them instead of food, but they are only interested in…

An Unexpected Arrival (John 6:15-21)

Jesus sends the disciples on across the sea while He goes to a mountain alone to pray. The disciples anticipate Jesus’ arrival Jesus was going to catch up with the disciples later. We read that it was dark, and He still had not come to them. The disciples assumed that Jesus would be following them in a boat, and they were looking for Him to catch up to them at any time. Throughout our lives we seek for Jesus to…

A Savior from Self

Jesus has just finished feeding the five thousand. Jesus is not the Savior they are looking for After seeing the miracles the people believe that Jesus is the Messiah, which He is. The Messiah has come to overthrow their oppressors, heal them, set them free, and give them a new life. They take this to mean that Jesus will overthrow the Romans, take away physical diseases, make them the new earthly rulers, and change their circumstances. Jesus did not come…

Jesus is Testing You (John 6:1-14)

Jesus now has thousands of people coming to hear Him preach. Jesus asks Philip how they are going to buy food for them all. Philip has no idea how they are going to provide food for everyone. Jesus knows what He is going to do Jesus is going to feed the people through a miracle. He knew this before He ever asked Philip how they were going to feed the people. Nothing takes Jesus by surprise. Everything happens in accordance…

The Standard of Judgment (John 5:30-47)

Jesus now turns His attention to proving that He is the Son of God. He begins by saying that His judgment is not based upon His own will or testimony. Anyone can say anything about themselves and it does not make it true. Therefore, He gives three witnesses to His divinity. He is showing proof that He is God’s Son, but He is also challenging the Jews to prove that they are right with God. Each witness testifies to His…

A New Life of Imitation (John 5:19-29)

Jesus has just declared that God is His Father and that as the Son of God He has the right to work on the Sabbath. He explains further: Jesus only follows His Father’s example Jesus does not choose what He does. He simply follows the example of His Father and does His will. His Father loves Him and shows Him what He is supposed to do. His Father will be doing greater things than healing the sick on the Sabbath…

Jesus Works so that We Might Rest (John 5:1-18)

Jesus has healed the man from his infirmity and commanded him to pick up his bed on the Sabbath day. The Jews are enraged that Jesus would break the Sabbath by healing the man and telling him to carry his bed. Jesus responds by saying that His Father is still working so He will keep working. From this we see: The Sabbath is an illustration of salvation God did not rest on the seventh day because He was tired. He…

There is Something Worse (John 5:1-16)

Jesus here encounters a man who is unable to walk. He found him setting beside a place of miraculous healing, but the man was still unable to walk. The man is incapable of moving himself for healing No matter how much the lame man desires to walk or how powerful the healing in the pool may be, the man is simply unable to move himself to be healed. This illustrates how we are completely incapable of attaining our salvation. We…

Salvation by Faith (John 4:43-54)

A nobleman comes to Jesus for the healing of his son who is at the point of death. He begs Jesus to come and heal his son. Jesus speak of signs, wonders, and unbelief Jesus’ response seems very calloused if we believe that temporal, physical well-being is the highest good. However, if we believe that the state of the soul is of infinite more importance than the state of the body Jesus’ response makes sense. Jesus is here pointing out…

Seek Him for Yourself (John 4:39-42)

The Samaritan woman now goes into the village to tell people of her encounter with Jesus. Many people believed in Jesus because of the woman’s testimony The Samaritan woman tells people about her encounter with Jesus. Her testimony is that Jesus exposed all of her sin. This teaches us two things about believers openly confessing their sins when they share the Gospel. One, people need to have their sin exposed, and many times the best way to do that is…

Finish His Work (John 4:31-38)

Jesus has just had His encounter with the Samaritan woman by the well. His disciples now return with food for Him to eat. Jesus says that He is not hungry, and what follows is Jesus’ teaching on faithfulness to the task God has given you. Jesus is satisfied by finishing God’s task for Him Just as the woman at the well was satisfied by Jesus, so Jesus is satisfied with doing the Father’s Will. He is no longer hungry because…