"salvation" Tagged Sermons
Receiving the Truth (John 14:16-21)
The disciples are troubled that Jesus is going to be leaving them. Jesus’ response has been to talk about heaven and how to get to the Father. He has shown them that He is the only Way and that there is a new life for those who believe in Him. This new life will be characterized by following in Jesus’ footsteps. The Holy Spirit is our Comforter In all of our troubles, trials, and suffering God sends His Holy Spirit.…
A Changed Heart (John 14:15)
How does the Law of God relate to the Grace of God? Man believes that he loves God One constant among human beings is that we all believe we love God and are right with God. If you look around our culture here in the South virtually everyone “believes in God,” “loves God,” and is “going to heaven when they die.” However, when confronted with the Law of God, men usually turn to one of two things, legalism or license.…
The Disease of the Soul (Psalm 16:11)
Over the next few weeks we are going to be taking a break from John to take a closer look at the human condition. We want to see why we were created, how the Fall affected us, and why we desire certain sins. Throughout the whole study we want to see how Jesus forgives us, heals us, and delivers us. It is my prayer that this study will help you see victory over habitual sins, find peace in Christ, and…
The Deity of Christ (John 10:30-33)
In this passage Jesus declares that He is one with the Father. In case there is any doubt as to what He meant by this we can look at the reaction of the people present at the time. They clearly understood that Jesus was declaring Himself to be God. In His declaration, Jesus: Affirms the Trinity Jesus does not say that He is the same as the Father but that He is one with the Father. This opposes the false…
Can You Lose Your Salvation? (John 10:27-29)
There have been debates for centuries over loss of salvation. Can salvation be lost or forfeited? Can someone choose Christ and then later in life choose to reject Him? Can you be saved, and then fall into sin and go to hell? Jesus addresses this issue in our text, but He does so in a way contrary to our thinking. Salvation is ultimately God changing a person’s nature What is salvation? The contemporary thought is that salvation is primarily a…
Unbelief (John 10:19-27)
After Jesus finishes talking there is a deep discussion concerning Who Jesus is. They cannot decide if He is the Messiah or the Devil. When Jesus returns they ask Him why He has not told them if He is the Messiah. Jesus responds that He has told them and shown them by His miracles. The reason they do not follow Him is that they are not His sheep. From this we learn: Jesus is polarizing There is no middle ground…
The Only Way (John 10:6-9)
The people do not understand Jesus’ teaching about robbers. Jesus now continues to instruct the man who was blind and those present about false teachers and the only way to be right with God. Jesus is the Door The man who was blind has been rejected by his community, his synagogue, and his religion. Most people in his position would consider themselves lost and rejected by God. However, Jesus is very clear that He alone is the door. Pastors, popes,…
Spiritual Blindness (John 9:39-41)
The man who was given sight by Jesus has just been kicked out of the Synagogue by the Pharisees because he will not declare Jesus to be a sinful man. The Pharisees are certain that God would never approve of healing a man on the Sabbath day. They refuse to listen to the man’s reasoning because they know that they are right. Jesus now meets the man, and the man believes in Christ and worships Him. The Pharisees watch their…
The Light of the World (John 9:1-39)
Jesus and His disciples have come across a man that was born blind. After Jesus addresses the disciples’ question about the origin of the man’s blindness Jesus teaches them concerning Who He is. Jesus is the Light of the World In John 8 the Pharisees attacked Jesus for declaring that He was the Light of the World. Jesus had said that the one who follows Him will no longer be in darkness. Jesus reminds the disciples that He is the…
Children of Satan (John 8:37-47)
Jesus now addresses the Jews’ belief that being a physical descendant of Abraham made them right with God. It is not your ancestors that make you right with God Jesus openly acknowledged that the Jews were Abraham’s physical descendants. However, their desire to kill Him showed that they did not have the nature of God dwelling in them. Jesus had only spoken the truth the Father had given Him to speak, and they rejected Jesus because God was not their…
Do You Believe?
Jesus has just finished telling the Pharisees that their opportunity to be saved has passed. They are confused as to what He means. Jesus is the Son of God Jesus has been constantly declaring that He is the Messiah Who has come to earth to save men from their sins. Here, He once again points out His divine origin. The Pharisees have heard this many times, but they still do not understand because they are lost. We must believe in…
The Savior is No Longer Waiting (John 8:21)
Jesus has been having a back and forth discussion with the Pharisees. He now says some very sobering words. Jesus is going We so often envision a Savior Who patiently waits for us to decide to follow Him. Jesus here declares things to be the exact opposite of what we expect. Jesus is not waiting for them; He is going His way. Jesus is leaving them behind. Their window of opportunity has passed. The ship is setting sail without them…